TCP Application Code Helper
TCP Application Code Helper is a tools that simply the TCP Application programming.
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Use TCP Application Code Helper, You can program a tcp network application with some simply steps.
step1: Define the Packets
Define packets used in you application, TCP Application Code Helper has an rules to define the packets, this is a Packets Define Sample. see Packets Define Rules.
step2: Generate the start application source code files
Use the define file, TCP Application Code Helper can generate following files:
- the packet specification document (in HTML format)
- the class source code for each packet that defined in the define file
- application source code that connect server/client send/recv net packet and dispatch it to the logic function
the source code that generate now is based on
- Indy (Delphi)
- Poco (C++)
- ASIO (C++) coming soon
- Libevent (C++) coming soon
more backed frameworks and languages(such as Java and C#) will be supported in the future.
step3: Implement the packet dealing logic
fill the logic function code in the generated Implementation class.
step4: Compile the source and debug the logic
use the target compiler env compile the application source code, and do debug the logic.
step4. Deliver the application